<p>Archaeal transcription initiation factor 2 is, like its eukaryotic homologue, a heterotrimeric protein with alpha, beta and gamma subunits [<cite idref="PUB00017012"/>]. It is thought play an essential role in the recognition of the correct codon for the start of translation, similar to the role of eukaryotic transcription initiation factor. The eukaryotic factor forms a ternary complex with the methionine initiator tRNA and GTP, which binds to the 40S ribosomal subunit as part of the 43S preinitiation complex [<cite idref="PUB00017013"/>]. The beta and gamma subunits are responsible for recruiting the initiator tRNA and GTP, while the alpha subunit is involved in the regulation of the translation initiation process. The beta subunit has also been shown to interact with other transcription factors. All three subunits of the archaeal and eukaryotic factors are well conserved among the diverse species of eukaryotes and archaea, but do not occur in prokaryotes. </p><p> This entry represents the archaeal subunit alpha.</p> Translation initiation factor 2, alpha subunit, archaeal